Something’s been bothering me lately. And yesterday I decided it was high time to figure out what it was.
I decided that it wasn’t the weather, which finally seems to be cooperating and it wasn’t my kids asking me for things- they were at school. No, it was my book. The one I’m working on.
This book has been hard to write and not because of the characters or the plot, but just because of things that have been going on in my own life. I haven’t been able to really sit down, devote the time that is necessary and needed to really get absorbed into it. I’ve been writing in fits and starts, which isn’t really my style.
So yesterday morning, I uploaded the first eight chapters of this work in progress, grabbed a coffee and a notebook and propped myself up in my new, super comfy bed. Instead of sitting at the computer forcing out words, I read the words I already had to see if they were worth saving.
When I started reading, I was ready to throw in the towel on this book. I was ready to hit delete and start over. But when I finished reading and making notes, I decided that, “Hey. This is going to be okay.” And, “It’s actually pretty good.”
The entire exercise reminded me of something.
True, sometimes it’s not easy. Sometimes you have to delete entire chapters and rewrite large sections of prose. Sometimes, it’s work. HARD work.
And that’s okay. I’ll keep writing. I’ll keep reworking. Because I’m persistent.
The whole thing reminded me of a blog post I’d read by Bridgette earlier in the week. She showed a video of a huge domino set up and then another video of all the trouble the guy had setting up the dominoes. Persistence. I really don’t think I would have had the patience to set up that many little blocks.
So, here you go. For your own viewing pleasure, check out this video (It’s different then the one that Bridgette posted). My mind boggles at the amount of dominoes this took, the effort that went into it and how many times they had to start over or redo what they’d already done.
I can do it too. Only with words.