It’s now officially the first week of school. I realize that for many of you without school aged children, this is totally irrelevant. But for me…it’s huge. And not only because I need to pull it together and figure out last minute school supplies and clothes that fit and lunches again, and all the rest of the drama that comes with back to school. But because there is a monumental shift in the routine of my life.
I’m lucky enough to have a totally portable job. (Reason 396 to be a writer.) And this means that for the summer months I get to run away go to the mountains and soak up the inspiration.
I actually managed to have a very productive summer, but I have big plans to have an even more productive Fall. But I’m not making the same mistake that I’ve made in years past. This time, I’m going in with a plan. Not a pie in the sky, “Gee, I think I’ll write some words and finish a book in the next few months.” But a real, “I’ll write 3000 words a day, have it done by X date, start the next book by XX date…And release it by XXX date.”
A plan.
And I think this is key. At least for me. I need deadlines. I need word counts. I need accountability. And now that summer is over (boo hoo) I’m jumping in with both feet. The only way to be a successful author is to have books in the market. The only way to have those books is to write them. The only way to write them is to make it a priority.
No excuses. Let’s get er’ done!
For me, that means prioritizing my writing. Nothing will come before my daily word count. Not lunch with friends, not grocery shopping, not my workouts (I actually have a plan for this, too. Shocking, I know!) Nothing. My husband is on board with this plan and has actually agreed to help out with groceries, meals and kid shuttling as needed. I’m a lucky woman. I know this.
So what are you going to do to help yourself be accountable? Are you a word count person? Do you need deadlines? Do you need friends to hold you to your goals? If you’re looking for support in reaching your daily words, jump on over to Twitter and the hashtag #wordbitches
Whatever it takes for you to get it done, do it. Sometimes that means putting your goals out there. Write them down. Tell a friend or your spouse. Heck, tell us. Post them in the comments.